
This advanced technology is a new multifunctional slimming and detoxifying machine which combines popular and effective functions of far infrared stimulation to increase metabolism with air pressure and lymphatic drainage pressotherapy to assist blood circulation and lymph flow. It aids in detox treatments, body slimming and cellulite reduction treatments. It is great for problems such as fluid retention and poor circulation.
A body suit is worn in which compressed air is pumped, causing the suit to expand in waves, from the toes upwards, thus stimulating circulation and lymphatic drainage. The suit can be set with different levels of intensity to achieve all the benefits mentioned above and muscle relaxation. Most of our clients fall sleep during the session due to it feeling as if a pair of hands moving gently up the limbs. This is the ultimate detox and relaxation treatment. Our equipment operates in various modes, with infrared heat allowing us to select the program, that effectively meets your needs and goals. Pressotherapy is conducted under strict control by an experienced therapist to guarantee the absolute safety and results. The duration of a procedure is approximately 40 minutes, pressure therapy is for 30 minutes, plus time to relax afterwards. The treatment course includes 10 to 15 sessions usually 1-2 times a week
Outstanding results on:
- Lymphatic drainage massage
- Assist Body contouring (you can make presso-therapy a part of your body therapy packages)
- Cellulite reduction
- Detoxification – toxin clearance
- Body relaxation and shaping
- Immediate relief and comfort for heavy legs, water retention and poor circulation
- Weight management
- Improves blood flow and oxygenation
- Lessen telangiectasis (capillary distension / swelling / expansion)
The procedure is not recommended if you have the following conditions:
- High blood pressure
- Pregnancy
- Cardiac disease, Congestive Heart Failure
- Cancer and currently receiving treatment
- Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
- Acute infection of the affected limb
- Any condition where increased venous and lymphatic return is undesirable
You may choose to combine or alternate Pressotherapy with Microcurrent treatments, Radiofrequency Cellulite Reduction Technology or Zerona/Lipo-Light (all of them are available in our office) Consult our staff and we will put together a customized package for you!