VelaShape contours, shapes and slims the body, giving you the opportunity to improve your lifestyle and boost your self-confidence.
How it Works
VeleShape features the revolutionary elos combination of Bi-Polar Radiofrequency(RF), Infared Light Energy, as well as plus Vacuum and Mechanical Massage.
The precise heating ensures a safe, effective, fast treatment with no downtime. Vacuum and specially desgined rollers for the Mechanical massage smooth out the skin to facilate safe and efficient heat energy delivery. The result is an increase in metabolism, lympahtic drainage and reduction in the size of the actual fat cells and chambers. Cellulite is also reduced noticebly.
Why VelaShape
- First and only FDA-cleared non-invasive medical solution for Circumferential Reduction.
- Virtually painless non-surgical and non-invasive treatment resulting in no downtime you can return to your daily activities immediately after treatment.
- The precise heating ensures a safe and effective treatment.
- Effective on all skin types and all skin colors.